Superannuation – The Accumulation Phase
This is a seminar for those interested in utilising super to build their wealth for retirement. This is NOT a defined benefits specific seminar but a general superannuation seminar for accumulation funds like PSSap, Australian Super, Hostplus and State Plus
It covers all aspects of the accumulation phase and will cover topics like:
Why use superannuation and is it appropriate for me?
Contributing before and after tax
Salary sacrifice and tax deductions
Access to your super
Preservation age
Your investment decisions - Risk and reward
Accumulated Phase Value and Div 293 issues
Spouse contributions
Spouse transfers
Lost super and consolidation
Insurances within Super, do you need them?
Co – contributions
Is a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) appropriate for me?
Questions and answers
Next course TBA
Cost: $90